A surprisingly sweet movie about radio’s bad boy, Howard Stern, and his rise to fame from local DJ to national syndication.

A documentary about the production of From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) and the people who made it.


A group of journalists take harrowing risks to cover a war that their editors and viewers back home aren’t very interested in. Based on a true story.

A routine elevator ride becomes a living hell for its three trapped passengers.

When We Were Kings

An award-winning documentary of the 1974 heavyweight championship bout in Zaire, "The Rumble in the Jungle," between champion George Foreman and underdog challenger Muhammad Ali.

Hoop Dreams

A film following the lives of two inner-city Chicago boys who struggle to become college basketball players on the road to going professional.

A poignant, heartfelt tribute to the vibrant New York subculture of drag queens and transsexuals at the end of the 1980s.

Showing all 7 results
