Whatever it Takes is the story of Connor McDavid's bone on metal injury, a revolutionary treatment plan and his remarkable comeback. Witness Connor's sheer will to overcome a devastating injury through a grueling treatment regime, advanced sports science and a world class rehabilitation team.


Hi, My Name is Dicky tells the story of Richard Clune, and his struggle with substance use disorder while playing in the National Hockey League. Shortly after debuting in the NHL with the Los Angeles Kings, Rich made the choice to get sober, embarking on a wild journey to the rehab clinic back home in Canada, from his brother's dormitory in Worcester, Massachusetts. Sober for over ten years, the viewer learns how Rich leads a fascinating life off the ice, and has become a mentor to many players in the NHL, now in the twilight of his career playing for his hometown Toronto Maple Leafs.


Ian Hodgkinson, aka Vampiro Canadiense, is a fighter and a survivor. After battling an abusive childhood, street violence, crippling fame, cancer and a lifetime of beatings and broken bones in the ring, he now faces his biggest, most ominous challenge yet: his teenage daughter. Serving as the Director of Talent for both Mexico's Lucha Libre AAA and Lucha Underground, he's forced to split his time and dedication between the muscle-bound family he's always known and the alien world of single parenthood. While his paternal duties tug at him from one side, his desire to return to the ring tugs him from the other. Which one will break him first?

A documentary about the production of From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) and the people who made it.

When We Were Kings

An award-winning documentary of the 1974 heavyweight championship bout in Zaire, "The Rumble in the Jungle," between champion George Foreman and underdog challenger Muhammad Ali.

Hoop Dreams

A film following the lives of two inner-city Chicago boys who struggle to become college basketball players on the road to going professional.

A poignant, heartfelt tribute to the vibrant New York subculture of drag queens and transsexuals at the end of the 1980s.

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