
When drug violence worsens on the USA Mexico border, the FBI sends agent, Kate Macer (Emily Blunt) on a mission to eradicate a drug cartel responsible for a bomb that killed members of her team.

The unforgettable true story of the tumultuous three-month period in 1965, when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. led a dangerous campaign to secure equal voting rights in the face of violent opposition.


A world-weary political journalist picks up the story of a woman’s search for her son, who was taken away from her decades ago after she became pregnant and was forced to live in a convent.


The true story of Oscar Grant who was shot by transit police in San Francisco on New Year’s Eve 2008 despite being unarmed and whose pointless murder becomes all the more poignant for the promising turn his life might have taken.


Twins journey to the Middle East to discover their family history and fulfill their mother’s last wishes.


Based on the story of Micky Ward, a fledgling boxer who tries to escape the shadow of his more famous but troubled older boxing brother and get his own shot at greatness.


The story of Coco Chanel’s rise from obscure beginnings to the heights of the fashion world.


Robert Ford, who’s idolized Jesse James since childhood, tries hard to join the reforming gang of the Missouri outlaw, but gradually becomes resentful of the bandit leader.


An American military advisor embraces the Samurai culture he was hired to destroy after he is captured in battle.

"The First Rule of Fight Club is- You Do Not Talk about Fight Club".

Based on a real-life case in 1925, two great lawyers argue the case for and against a science teacher accused of the crime of teaching evolution.

As the body count rises, a killer keeps police guessing.


A former neo-nazi skinhead tries to prevent his younger brother from going down the same wrong path that he did.

Laurie Strode, now the dean of a Northern California private school with an assumed name, must battle the Shape one last time and now the life of her own son hangs in the balance.


A group of journalists take harrowing risks to cover a war that their editors and viewers back home aren’t very interested in. Based on a true story.

A routine elevator ride becomes a living hell for its three trapped passengers.

The US president tries to boost his sagging approval rating by starting a war with Canada. Slick propaganda campaigns convince a zealous patriot to take matters into his own hands.

A 60-year-old man named Sully who has spent most of his life drinking beer and avoiding responsibility is thrown into daily contact with a son who doesn’t trust him and a grandson who doesn’t know him.


Seduction, passion and power struggles unfold in the seemingly glamourous world of Las Vegas show dancing.


The Motaba virus inflicts a swift, horrible death, and only one man can stop it from spreading into a deadly worldwide outbreak.


An ordinary man is forced to kill a politician in order to save his kidnapped daughter.

Father Greg Pilkington (Linus Roache) is torn between his calling as a conservative Catholic priest and his emotional and moral struggle to expose the truth.

Poetic guitarist Eric Draven is brought back to life by a crow a year after he and his fiancée are murdered. The crow guides him through the land of the living, and leads him to his killers.

A variety of romantic and personal intrigues intersect against the backdrop of Paris’s annual "Pret-a-Porter" fashion extravaganza.

Showing 1–24 of 41 results
