Fred Penner This is My World

Best known for his long running television series "Fred Penner's Place" and hit song "The Cat Came Back," for decades musical icon Fred Penner has been using his engaging personality and public speaking skills to excite audiences like no other. He is a constant inspiration for his fans of all ages, but what is it that Fred really does for people? Why is Fred's message and music more important than ever? How did Fred go from a struggling musician to the North American sensation dubbed the "Canadian Minister of Positivity"? How did difficult moments from Fred's youth shape his life as a performer? Take this highly engaging journey to discover how Fred Penner connects with audiences and makes sense of the world.


After a tumultuous decade-long career filled with injuries and missed opportunities, the 38-year-old UFC middleweight finally got his due, and he plans to go out swinging. Underneath his loud and brash bravado that has become synonymous with the fighter's outspoken personality in the world of UFC, actually lies a gentle and caring man. But in order to survive in such a savage alpha male sport he must flick that proverbial switch if he wants to be the best.

On a summer night in Harlem during her last months at home before starting college, seventeen-year-old poet Ayanna meets Isaiah, a charming music producer who has just moved to the city. It's not long before these two artistic souls are drawn together in a passionate summer romance. But as the highs of young love give way to jealousy, suspicion, and all-too-real consequences, Ayanna must confront the complexities of the adult world, whether she is ready or not.


Ian Hodgkinson, aka Vampiro Canadiense, is a fighter and a survivor. After battling an abusive childhood, street violence, crippling fame, cancer and a lifetime of beatings and broken bones in the ring, he now faces his biggest, most ominous challenge yet: his teenage daughter. Serving as the Director of Talent for both Mexico's Lucha Libre AAA and Lucha Underground, he's forced to split his time and dedication between the muscle-bound family he's always known and the alien world of single parenthood. While his paternal duties tug at him from one side, his desire to return to the ring tugs him from the other. Which one will break him first?

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