Four tales of crime adapted from Frank Miller’s popular comics, focusing around the dark and miserable town of Basin City.

Laurie Strode, now the dean of a Northern California private school with an assumed name, must battle the Shape one last time and now the life of her own son hangs in the balance.


The year is 2047. A rescue mission has been dispatched to the vicinity of Neptune, where seven years earlier a deep space research vessel named Event Horizon disappeared.


After recieving detailed instructions of how to splice alien and human DNA, the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence Project creates Sil, a beautiful and deadly half woman half alien desperate to mate, which could spell doom for the entire human race.


It started in May, in a small town. And every month after that, whenever the moon was full…it came back. Is it human or is it part wolf? Only a young boy and his sister guess the truth.

An American newcomer to a prestigious German ballet academy comes to realize that the school is a front for something sinister amid a series of grisly murders.

A mysterious creature from another planet, resembling a giant blob of jelly, lands on earth.

The original Godzilla movie is not only a horror story about a seemingly unstoppable beast created by American nuclear weapons testing but also a somber exploration of conflicted postwar emotions.

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