Inspired by the true story of Cecil Gaines, devoted husband, father and White House butler who served seven presidents during some of the most tumultuous and defining moments of the 20th century.

An unprecedented look at the iconic shower scene in Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho (1960), the "man behind the curtain", and the screen murder that profoundly changed the course of world cinema.


A world-weary political journalist picks up the story of a woman’s search for her son, who was taken away from her decades ago after she became pregnant and was forced to live in a convent.

A psychological thriller about a singer who loses her voice.


Based on an incredible true story of one man’s fight for survival and freedom. In the pre-Civil War United States, Solomon Northup (Chiwetel Ejiofor), a free black man from upstate New York, is abducted and sold into slavery.


The true story of Oscar Grant who was shot by transit police in San Francisco on New Year’s Eve 2008 despite being unarmed and whose pointless murder becomes all the more poignant for the promising turn his life might have taken.

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