An American newcomer to a prestigious German ballet academy comes to realize that the school is a front for something sinister amid a series of grisly murders.


Juggle the books. Set fire to the factory. Harry Stoner will do anything to get one more season out of his nearly bankrupt clothing company – or will he?

Based on the real-life case of the British serial killer John Christie, and what happened to his neighbors Tim and Beryl Evans.

Set in the 25th century, the story centers around a man and a woman who rebel against their rigidly controlled society.

Presiding over her outlaw gang, consisting mainly of her goonish sons, Ma goes on a Depression-era rampage of bank robbery, murder and kidnapping.


An African-American police detective is asked to investigate a murder in a racially hostile southern town.

A mysterious creature from another planet, resembling a giant blob of jelly, lands on earth.

The original Godzilla movie is not only a horror story about a seemingly unstoppable beast created by American nuclear weapons testing but also a somber exploration of conflicted postwar emotions.

After killing a man in self-defense, a young woman is blackmailed by a witness to the killing.

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