A neurotic, New York comedian falls for a quirky midwestern young woman who wants to be a singer.


James Caan stars as a rollerball champ in this fast-hitting, action- packed glimpse of a future (2018!) where a brutal, no-holds-barred sport takes the place of war, and murder is just part of the game.

January Wayne, the sheltered, much-loved daughter of a formerly successful Hollywood producer, goes home to New York after a lengthy stint in a Swiss hospital and becomes involved in a tragic romance with a much older man.

Set in the 25th century, the story centers around a man and a woman who rebel against their rigidly controlled society.

A hard-line glorification of the military ethic, personified by a man whose flaws and eccentricities marginalized him in peacetime, but found the ideal theater in battle.
Winner of 7 Oscars, infamously including Best Actor for George C. Scott.
Co-written by Francis Ford Coppola.

An Irish rogue wins the heart of a rich widow and assumes her dead husband’s position in 18th Century aristocracy.


An African-American police detective is asked to investigate a murder in a racially hostile southern town.

A quiet London bank clerk takes a sinister twist with a his butterfly collection when he kidnaps a most unusual specimen—a beautiful woman. This film is a classic thriller and features a haunting musical score by Maurice Jarre.

A fierce Roman general becomes infatuated with a beautiful Christian hostage and begins questioning the tyrannical leadership of the despot Emporer Nero.

Disturbed Blanche DuBois moves in with her sister in New Orleans and is tormented by her brutish brother-in-law while her reality crumbles around her.

After killing a man in self-defense, a young woman is blackmailed by a witness to the killing.

Showing all 12 results
