A teenager isolated on her family’s maple syrup farm investigates her mother’s eerie behaviour following the unexplained disappearance of her father.

The unforgettable true story of the tumultuous three-month period in 1965, when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. led a dangerous campaign to secure equal voting rights in the face of violent opposition.


A world-weary political journalist picks up the story of a woman’s search for her son, who was taken away from her decades ago after she became pregnant and was forced to live in a convent.


The true story of Oscar Grant who was shot by transit police in San Francisco on New Year’s Eve 2008 despite being unarmed and whose pointless murder becomes all the more poignant for the promising turn his life might have taken.


Based on the story of Micky Ward, a fledgling boxer who tries to escape the shadow of his more famous but troubled older boxing brother and get his own shot at greatness.


The story of Coco Chanel’s rise from obscure beginnings to the heights of the fashion world.

Laurie Strode, now the dean of a Northern California private school with an assumed name, must battle the Shape one last time and now the life of her own son hangs in the balance.

Set in a dystopian future, a woman is forced to live as a concubine under a fundamentalist theocratic dictatorship.

Based on a true story, Tod is a boy born with no immunity against disease and so he lives in a plastic prison. Inside he is protected. Outside, there is the chance of death. But also the chance for love.

In future Britain, charismatic delinquent Alex DeLarge is jailed and volunteers for an experimental aversion therapy developed by the government in an effort to solve society’s crime problem… but not all goes according to plan.

An Irish rogue wins the heart of a rich widow and assumes her dead husband’s position in 18th Century aristocracy.

Sean and Alex go on the run after Alex has a close encounter with mysterious orbs of light that leave her with extraordinary powers. As they flee from their families, the police and a covert government agency, Alex and Sean find themselves at the center of an unprecedented event in human history. First contact. As her powers grow stronger and more dangerous, Sean must decide whether staying with Alex and discovering the truth behind her transformation is worth dying for.


An African-American police detective is asked to investigate a murder in a racially hostile southern town.

A U.S. secret agent is sent to the distant space city of Alphaville where he must find a missing person and free the city from its tyrannical ruler.

Disturbed Blanche DuBois moves in with her sister in New Orleans and is tormented by her brutish brother-in-law while her reality crumbles around her.

Showing all 16 results
