"The First Rule of Fight Club is- You Do Not Talk about Fight Club".

FBI agent Paul Smecker is pitted against a pair of Irish brothers out to rid the world of evil, starting with the Russian mob. As the brothers brutally take on Boston's underworld, Smecker finds himself torn between busting the vigilantes, and joining them...


A former neo-nazi skinhead tries to prevent his younger brother from going down the same wrong path that he did.


A streetwise NYPD detective joins a secret organization that polices extraterrestrial affairs on Earth.

A routine elevator ride becomes a living hell for its three trapped passengers.


Bank clerk Stanley Ipkiss is transformed into a manic super-hero when he wears a mysterious mask.

Hoop Dreams

A film following the lives of two inner-city Chicago boys who struggle to become college basketball players on the road to going professional.

A diverse group of characters are thrown together through chance encounters while coping with urban chaos in L.A.

Robin Hood takes to the forest to fight Norman oppression and protect the unfortunate Saxon serfs from tyranny.

John Dunbar, a Union Lieutenant of the Civil War, requests a station on the vast sweep of the short grass plains in the Dakotas where he finds himself improbably befriending both a resident gray wolf and a Sioux tribe.

Clark Kellogg is a film student who is about to get an education more exciting than any movie he’s ever seen.

A man unwittingly asks his wife’s former lover for help in identifying her present lover.

Showing all 12 results
