
Modern day explorer Adam Shoalts sets a record-breaking solo expedition in crossing the Canadian Arctic on foot and by canoe that would span four long and lonely perilous months. No one has ever attempted this before...

Barney (Sylvester Stallone) augments his team with new blood for a personal battle: to take down Conrad Stonebanks, the Expendables co-founder and notorious arms trader who is hell bent on wiping out Barney and every single one of his associates.
Mr. Church (Bruce Willis) reunites the Expendables for what should be an easy paycheque, but when one of their men is murdered on the job, their quest for revenge puts them deep in enemy territory and up against an unexpected threat.

A streetwise NYPD detective joins a secret organization that polices extraterrestrial affairs on Earth.


Bank clerk Stanley Ipkiss is transformed into a manic super-hero when he wears a mysterious mask.

Robin Hood takes to the forest to fight Norman oppression and protect the unfortunate Saxon serfs from tyranny.

John Dunbar, a Union Lieutenant of the Civil War, requests a station on the vast sweep of the short grass plains in the Dakotas where he finds himself improbably befriending both a resident gray wolf and a Sioux tribe.

Clark Kellogg is a film student who is about to get an education more exciting than any movie he’s ever seen.

A band of teenage boys arrive at Long Point Camp for the adventure of their lives. When their canoe capsizes in a freak summer storm, their holiday descends into a soul-shuddering fight for survival.

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